Building for Android


You’ll need: the Android SDK (in doubt, install the whole Android Studio). With it, install (preferred) the most recent NDK version or a specific NDK version you need.


Unity: Each Unity version needs liblsl to be compiled with a specific NDK version, e.g. NDK 16 for Unity 2019.2. For a list, consult the Unity docs, section “Change the Android NDK path”

Generally, an NDK installed with the Android SDK manager is preferred, because the SDK and some support files are newer.

Make sure the NDK is installed in a path without spaces. If it is already installed, use start Powershell as Administrator and create a link:

New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path "C:\NDK" -Target "C:\Space Path\NDK"

At the time of writing this, CMake shipped with the Android SDK is too old, so you need to install a recent version.

Building liblsl

Open a Terminal / Developer Command Prompt and retrieve the needed packages:

git clone --depth=1
git submodule update --init LSL/liblsl LSL/liblsl-Java

Next, chdir to the labstreaminglayer/LSL/liblsl-Java subdirectory and configure your environment in the

cmake.dir=C\:\\Program Files\\CMake


For older NDK versions without C++11 support, the alternative STL has to be enabled with the CMake option “-DANDROID_STL=c++_static” in build.gradle

Make sure to escape all special characters and double-check the paths.

After that, you can start the build from the command line:

gradlew assembleRelease

After some time, this will create build/outputs/aar/liblsl-Java-Release.aar. Open it with 7zip (or rename it to and extract the jni/ folder containing the native libraries.


For Android apps, you can add the .aar file as dependency, no need to mess with the .so files.